Kling Mid-Century Modern Bedroom Furniture 1950-1960
This particular electronic publication is geared towards vintage furniture owners, dealers, appraisers, and others who are interested in learning more about the Modern Bedroom Furniture that Kling offered between 1950 and 1960. This publication features the eight most common modern Kling suites from the 1950’s, each was promoted in Kling retail catalogs and advertised nationally in magazines. Most are made of solid Cherry wood while some are solid Maple. Some of these furniture styles closely resemble Heywood-Wakefield styles which Kling would have considered a competitor. Three bonus suites which we know less about are also shown, and one of these is mahogany. All of the suites contained in this e publication will be marked with a rectangular “Kling” metal drawer marker. The narrative includes a general discussion of value of this type of furniture but no value data for specific suites. There are many color images in this e publication from the retail catalogs and magazine ads.
What this Publication Includes:
Sources of Information, Introduction to Kling Modern Furniture, How to identify Kling Modern furniture—labeling and back stamps, The Value of Post-war Kling Modern Style Suites, Listing of Kling Modern style suites, 1950-1960, , Images and pricelists of 10 modern suites. This package includes 35 pages, 8 color pages and many black and white images.
Kling Mid-Century Modern Bedroom Furniture 1950-1960
This particular electronic publication is geared towards vintage furniture owners, dealers, appraisers, and others who are interested in learning more about the Modern Bedroom Furniture that Kling offered between 1950 and 1960. This publication features the eight most common modern Kling suites from the 1950’s, each was promoted in Kling retail catalogs and advertised nationally in magazines. Most are made of solid Cherry wood while some are solid Maple. Some of these furniture styles closely resemble Heywood-Wakefield styles which Kling would have considered a competitor. Three bonus suites which we know less about are also shown, and one of these is mahogany. All of the suites contained in this e publication will be marked with a rectangular “Kling” metal drawer marker. The narrative includes a general discussion of value of this type of furniture but no value data for specific suites. There are many color images in this e publication from the retail catalogs and magazine ads.
What this Publication Includes:
Sources of Information, Introduction to Kling Modern Furniture, How to identify Kling Modern furniture—labeling and back stamps, The Value of Post-war Kling Modern Style Suites, Listing of Kling Modern style suites, 1950-1960, , Images and pricelists of 10 modern suites. This package includes 35 pages, 8 color pages and many black and white images.
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